古賀 睦 Mutsumi Koga
1988.6 埼玉県生まれ
2008.4 京都市立芸術大学美術学部 入学
2012.3 京都市立芸術大学美術学部美術科彫刻専攻 卒業
作者は自然の持つ不可視なエネルギーに憧れと畏怖の気持ちを抱いており、実際の生物などから感じ取る物量感、温度、稜線、匂い、空気感等を 「繰り返し模様を描き続ける行為」 を通して作品化すること、また、闇や海、山など大きな自然に対して抱く「気配」をインスタレーションなどによって表現することを試みている。
Mutsumi Koga was born in Osaka, Japan in 1988. With in the influence of her mother who loves art, Koga grew up in the artistic environment. After getting her BFA from Kyoto City University of Arts, Koga is active as an independent artist and has been exhibiting at the big cities in Japan such as Osaka, Tokyo, and Kyoto. Koga has been exploring the possibility of her art practice and displays. She has been exhibiting her installations not only at the art related venues, like the art galleries or museums, but also at the music clubs, music festivals, and the office buildings.
I have a sincerely respect and fear for the natural world where we exist. Through my art works and the installations, I challenge to capture and process their real aura of the scale, temperature, atmosphere, humidity, and emotion.
All of my art works, such as sculptures, paintings, textiles, fiber-art works, and installations are generated through my memories and the physical experiences.
Recently, with in the theme of “Life – Nature”, I have been working on the large-scale sculptures and paintings with semi figurative/abstract forms and colors, which is inspired by the wild life of the animals, and the landscapes.
Patterns, which covers my artwork is another important fact of my practice. I generate patterns from emotions and little flare of our daily lives. Through the process of the continuous drawing patterns repeatedly, I found a condition of a deep meditation by my self. This mental condition and physical activity make me able to channel with the invisible great power of the nature.
2009.2 Antenna ASS 企画展 -AAP in AAS-
.5 別府現代芸術フェスティバル 2009 混浴温泉世界
.8 CONPLEX 3 「知らない戦争 感じない平和」展
2010.12 SHAKE ART ! EXHIBITION 2010 in 梅田E~ma
「“a girlie spice!”」展
2011.10 SHAKE ART ! EXHIBITION 2011 in ラクエ四条烏丸
「烏丸 michikusa ART」
2012.10 個展「101号室」in 天満橋OMM
2013.7 個展「201号室」in 天満橋OMM
2014.1 グループ展「Kyoto No Wave」in M 代官山
.8 野外フェス RUSH BALL 2014 in 泉大津フェニックス
.10 「渋谷芸術祭」 in Shibuya Hikarie
RUSH BALL2014でのライブペイント作品展示
2015.11 共同制作にて「第19回岡本太郎現代芸術賞」入選
2016.1 「第19回岡本太郎現代芸術賞」展 in 川崎市岡本太郎美術館
.4 個展「escape!」in JT本社1F TORANOMON LOUNGE
.9 個展「牛乳屋の見た夢」in Editorial Haus MAGASINN KYOTO
.10 「第10回 青参道アートフェア – 私の好奇心に火がつくような –」
all image ©Mutsumi Koga